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The Arts Society of the Fundación Liceo Inglés is a project driven and led by the students themselves, where each one of them has the opportunity to show their artistic talents and grow as human beings. The mission of this Society is for each student to find their inner artist.


With this said, we will be hosting our third Annual Arts Festival with the theme of “Open your eyes, Mary! Project Mockingjay: A chaotic glimpse of the Capitol’s orderly psychosis. The festival will be on Thursday, April 20th, and Friday, April 21st, 2023. We want you to take part in this unique experience with the purpose of stengthening the artistic abilities of the students of this region and country. 


The Fundación Liceo Inglés is a place where all the precautionary measures continue to be taken. The health and safety of our students, advisors, and staff are our highest priority. After closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation in Pereira and Colombia as a whole, we have made the decision to host our festival in person, with some categories being held semi-virtually. It is important to point out that we will be implementing measures to contain the spread of the pandemic taken by the national government and local and departmental authorities. 


Unlike other festivals hosted in the region and the country, and considering the Arts Society’s mission to innovate and revolutionize the world of the arts and humanities, we bring to you an experience, instead of only a showcase of talents. Considering this and the Arts Fest’s theme, we are bringing to life a new reality for our participants, with the hope that they will live a new experience, one of a kind in the country and never done before, as the theme will allow the festival to feel like the futuristic dystopian society that we hope to portray. The entire festival is a simulation of Project Mockingjay, and will be for the assistants of the event a chaotic glimpse of the Capitol’s orderly psychosis, in which they will play their part as citizens of Eden; the garden of Oblivion, and will witness the occurrence of the Fourth Quarter Quell of the Hunger Games after the third rebellion against the Capitol’s elite, led by a group of rebels from the 13 districts of Eden. The entire event is a series of invented incidents that could have played as a sequel to the Hunger Games, taking into account other dystopia and utopian creations. As we understand that this theme is complex, we have a document that explains in detail the simulated reality we wish to portray during these two days. It is our hope that your school decides to take part in this groundbreaking, leading-edge, life-changing event that will shift the way in which we experience arts festivals. 


each school is responsible for filling out a Google Form, sent by the Arts Society, that confirms the number of students participating, their names, and the categories and subcategories in which each student wishes to participate. Additionally, It is important to have in mind that the participant’s creations should display a relationship with: 1. the FLI’s Arts Society’s cinematic universe, which is Project Mockingjay, and/or 2. dystopia and utopian realities (please check website for details). 


The inscription costs 100.000 pesos (per participant). This includes a snack for Thursday and breakfast, lunch, and snack for Friday.  


Please have in mind that all artworks; all subcategories of our Art, Graphic Design and Photography categories, must be sent physically to our school two weeks prior to the event. 


In the name of our President Cristina Madero Figueroa, Vice President Isabella Tobon Lopez, Creative Director Juan Manuel Orozco Ramirez, and our School Director Eloisa Rodriguez, Ph.D., we warmly welcome you to our III Annual Arts Fest. If you have any questions, you can contact us at our email or via Instagram @artssocietyfli. 


We will be honored by your participation. 




Literacy & Humanities:


Short story

Ponencia literaria

Ponencia filosófica 

Ponencia histórica











Drawing and caricature 



Graphic Design 












Instrumental soloist 

Vocal soloist


Sound mixing & music production 


Costume Design




Makeup & Hairstyling 

Artistic Makeup 

Body painting 



Film Studies  

Short film

Moving picture analysis (film, television, documentary)


We are hoping you will join us for our Arts Fest and take part in this marvelous event!

A R T S   S O C I E T Y   F L I  -  2 0 2 23/ 2 0 2 4

F U N D A C I Ó N    L I C E O   I N G L É S

Km5 vía Cerritos entrada 17, Pereira, Risaralda

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